003. Sonny Berenson - Calming The Nervous System for Resilience - new.png


Calming The Nervous System For Resilience

Facilitated by: Sonny Berenson, RP

Presented by: ArtHaus, Six Shooter Records, & Blue Crane Agency

When: 4 Mondays — 6:00p-8:00p EST

Nov. 16, 2020

Nov. 23, 2020

Nov. 30, 2020

Nov. 7, 2020


Course Overview

Calming The Nervous System For Resilience

Presented by Sonny Berenson, RP, this workshop series will allow participants to gain an introduction to their nervous system and how to use the body to calm. Using somatic tools, we are able to understand what is happening for us more deeply. Whether it is to do with our historical experiences, or the current moment, this knowledge is a stepping stone to knowing more of ourselves,  what we need and in turn how to have a bigger capacity for the things life throws at us.

Please note this workshop series does involve trying to notice what is happening in the body. This can be daunting and scary for some of us. If this is you, please contact me ahead of the workshop series so we can see if this is a good fit for you.

Course Details


This session will be an introduction to somatic psychotherapy how it works and will be introducing people to their own Window of Tolerance (WoT). Half the session will be more of a conversation style and with the other part involving self reflection activities and sharing.


This session will allow participants to think about what resources they currently use to feel ok in the world, what helps them and maybe what no longer feels useful.

We will also go through a number of somatic experiments that participants can try out, to see how each impacts their nervous system and their WoT.


This session we talk about what boundaries actually are, how we feel them in our body and how we act them out. This will include doing a number of somatic activities.


This session we go a bit more into boundaries, and notice what comes up for us when we start to connect with others. It will link back to session 1 & 3 . This is the last session and will also be a chance to reflect on how this fits into our current world/life and how we move forward from here.


Sonny Berenson

My name is Sonny- (like sunny). I am a Registered Psychotherapist and have had a private practice for over 6 years. Before I opened my private practice, I worked at the Sherbourne Health Center, running groups, programming and supporting LGBTQ youth. I have worked as group facilitator & community focused artist and educator for the last 13 years in Toronto, with a large focus on providing support for queer and trans* folks and the people who love them. 

I have had the privilege to gain a lot of knowledge from my queer community & mentors around community care, self reflection and the importance of holding and honouring our stories in ways that connect us and allow us to move towards healing.

You can find out more about my practice here.


Six Shooter Records

Six Shooter Records is an independently owned, artist-first record label and management company with a staff of 14 and a strong focus on community. Celebrating 20 years, they work with a range of artists, spanning different genres and cultures, constantly evolving to meet the needs of their artists, and staff, like providing mental health support, childcare support, training and education. They are committed to a long term goal of achieving a safer, more equitable work environment within the entertainment industry while putting out great music by artists they love.

You can find out more about Six Shooter Records here.

Blue Crane Agency

Blue Crane Agency is a global independent booking agency seeking to prioritize women and artists of colour in North America and abroad. We are true believer that more than ever, diverse artists are the one who sell music and tickets these days, via their migration journeys, narratives and musical and artistic visions.

You can find out more about Blue Crane Agency here.